Unfortunately I ran out of time for this project due to work and school stuff. It's very unfinished, crashes when you hit the rocks, and probably has a bunch of bugs I haven't found yet. I'm just submitting what I have. 

Instructions: mouse wheel to scroll through sails and helm.

The black arrow shows you which way the wind is blowing. To move, you have to position your sails such that the wind moves the boat. 

You can press P to view the forces acting on the sails, the direction the ship is moving (green arrow) and the direction of your helm (yellow arrow).

W and S to reef and set sails.

A and D to trim sails. A and D steers with the rudder when "Helm" is selected.

The game was supposed to be about surviving when finding yourself facing a leeward shore. When land is downwind of a sailing ship, this is a very dangerous situation to be in as it can be very difficult to escape being blown by the wind onto the rocks.

See if you can weather the land and avoid hitting the cliffs. Personally, I don't think it's possible, but maybe you're a better sailor than me.

Oh, were it mine with sacred Maro's art,
To wake to sympathy the feeling heart;
Like him, the smooth and mournful verse to dress
In all the pomp of exquisite distress;
Then, too severely taught by cruel fate,
To share in all the perils I relate,
Then might I, with unrivall'd strains, deplore
The impervious horrors of a leeward shore.
--William Falconer

Published 3 days ago


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Unfortunately, I can't get this game to work, as I can't actually move.