As the day progresses, the direction of the sunlight moves. You can press and hold the fast forward button to wait, if you think the coffin is exposed to the daylight!

This was created for Pirate Software Game Jam 15. More levels and potions coming soon!



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Creative puzzle game that incorporated both themes flawlessly. Great job.

This was one of the first games I played of the jam submissions. Got the link back in Discord and felt like I had to leave a comment ;) .

Really fun puzzle game with the added stress of the sun being an active timed element. I did get a jump-scare when I first lost a level I did not expect that sound at all xd.  Was sadly unable to beat the last level, the timing was just too hard for me. Got very close twice. ( Vampires didn't burn fast enough :P )

All I could suggest is to add more levels and make them skip-able in case you get stuck.

Thanks for the feedback! I really wanted to make more levels and different paths the player could take between them, but unfortunately I simply ran out of time (didn't we all).  I'm glad people are getting a little spooked by the vampire coming out as I wanted it to be at least a bit surprising. 

This is such a unique concept I had a lot of fun with it. Kinda reminds me of a weird version of angry birds haha.

I couldn't get passed the fortress stage unfortunately I just couldn't figure it out and sadly had to give up. Had a lot of fun with the game though and would recommend it!

Although the first time the vampire actually came out of the coffin at sunset scared the absolute **** out of me hahahaha. Very nicely done.

Thank you! If I do an update I'll try to tweak the difficulty a little on some of the puzzles, and do a better job introducing  the mechanics of the potions.

Very compelling game. I love the use of the sun and time as a weapon.  Feels good when you get it right.

Thank you!

One of my favorites so far! I got stuck on the first white potion level that seems to reflect light. Really good job and very playable! keep making games!

Thank you! I'll try to be better about introducing those kinds of mechanics as they're not super intuitive at first.

Intensely satisfying

Thank you!